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Question bank

 Unit 5  Scope & functions of management accounting (10M)  Difference between cost, financial & management accounting (10M) Emerging trends in management accounting  **(10M) Unit 4 Budget manual(5M) Budget & budgetary control (10M)  Classification of budgets** (10M) Cash budget(problems)** Flexible budget (problems) ** Principle budget factor(5M) Unit 3 Methods of costing - job & batch costing differences Problems in job costing*, process costing & operating costing- transportation**, electricity  costing * Powerhouse, telecommunication costing * Hotel, hospital costing ,unit costing, batch costing (5M) Unit 2 Elements of cost *** , cost sheet problems  Material purchase procedure Methods of inventory control *** Methods of pricing of issues- LIFO, FIFO, simple average, weighted average problems ** Accounting for labour cost (10M) methods of remuneration ** Unit 1 Reasons, needs,methods of reconciliation** Cost concepts Cost ledger accounting ** Cost book keeping (5